Cold War Victory Medal

Cold War Victory Medal
Dedicated to the brave men and women of our Armed Forces and their contribution to the anti-communist cause..

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chesterfield County Virginia Sheriff's overtime law suit.......

This one is going to cost of citizens...There has been a State of Virginia law that requires overtime pay to public safety folks on the books for over half a decade......Yet, for some strange and unknown reason......Leadership in Chesterfield, County Virginia has chose to ignore such a law............

My sources in County Government have indicated to me......that the County is ready to settle......they will file a claim with their insurance....that covers such errors and omissions........This is going to be a costly one...

My question citizens, when did leadership realize they should have been paying this overtime all along......this thing has at the Sheriff's Office should not have been scheduling overtime.......when they realized the County was not going to pay.......this was not prudent........Continuing to run up the "overtime" tab is not good management........Do we blame Sheriff Proffitt.......Citizens, yes we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also must place blame for this debacle with Chesterfield county management as well.  This is a shameful waste of taxpayer dollars. Furthermore, it is humiliating to those who work in industries that pay no overtime.

This is how people manage your tax and OMG!!

Citizens, we must take control.................