Cold War Victory Medal

Cold War Victory Medal
Dedicated to the brave men and women of our Armed Forces and their contribution to the anti-communist cause..

Friday, March 18, 2011

Remember the Tax and spend crowd come Election Time...........

These days, inflation is much lower. Yet to many Americans, it feels worse now. And for a good reason: Their income has been even flatter than inflation.
Back in the '80's, the money people made typically more than made up for high inflation. In 1981, banks would pay nearly 16 percent on a six-month CD. And workers typically got pay raises to match their higher living costs.
No more.
Over the 12 months that ended in February, consumer prices increased just 2.1 percent. Yet wages for many people have risen even less — if they're not actually frozen.

Consequently, Citizens....we must remember the tax and spend politicians who seek to raise your taxes and fees in future elections.....those elected officials who advocated raising taxes and fees must be sent to the unemployment line....Citizens, we must take control!!!!!!!

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